Monitoring the status of capelin and Pacific herring stocks
19 April 2024

Monitoring the status of capelin and Pacific herring stocks

Employees of the laboratory of marine and freshwater fish of the Sakhalin branch of VNIRO traditionally monitor the state of capelin and Pacific herring stocks.
For herring in the West Sakhalin subzone, spawning began at traditional times. In Aniva Bay, herring came to spawn in mid-April. Now there is a mass spawning of this species in the northern part of the hall. Aniva.
According to monitoring data, the spawning run of capelin this year is weaker than in previous years. The main approaches are noted in the Tomarinsky district.
Employees examined capelin spawning grounds and collected biological material from commercial catches of Pacific herring and capelin.
The laboratory conducted a biological analysis of the collected material.
VNIRO press service