The next stage of a large-scale expedition to study the species composition of the ichthyofauna in the Sever Bay area of the Yenisei Gulf has been completed. Scientists spent more than a month in extreme climatic conditions.
The main objective of the ichthyological study is to determine whether there are whitefish producers preparing for spawning in the water area, primarily muksun and omul. To account for the number of species and population density in the water area, and to study the spawning composition of different fish species, specialists conducted test catches in different parts of the bay. On the research vessel, scientists performed a biological analysis of the caught individuals: the weight and age of each fish, the condition of the internal organs, the stage of maturity and readiness for spawning were determined.
Hydrobiological studies are an important component of environmental monitoring in the Sever Bay. To determine the state of the environment, living conditions and fattening of fish, samples of phyto- and zooplankton, zoobenthos were collected.
Data on the state of the ichthyocenosis will be summarized and will form the basis for recommendations for the economic entity to minimize the impact on the ichthyofauna during further active industrial development of the Taimyr Peninsula and the sea coast. The Tyumen branch of VNIRO will continue to conduct industrial and environmental monitoring of the impact on the aquatic ecosystem. The next trip of fisheries science is scheduled for December and will take place during the closed water period.
Press service of VNIRO

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