Results of the sprat fishery in the Caspian Sea in the winter period of 2025
05 March 2025

Results of the sprat fishery in the Caspian Sea in the winter period of 2025

The ice regime of the Northern Caspian in January 2025 was relatively stable for most of the calendar month, the ice cover was within 21-29% of the total area of ​​the Northern Caspian.
The increase in ice formation began at the end of January. The ice area increased by 2 times. But for the most part, it was thin drifting ice (nilas) up to 10 cm. In February, ice formation processes began to actively occur in the Northern Caspian waters. The nilas area began to increase. Ice was located not only in the eastern part of the Northern Caspian, but also in the western part. Ice cover in February reached a maximum of up to 70% and varied from 60 to 70%. Gray-white ice with a thickness of 15 to 30 cm began to appear in the east. Fast ice is observed off the coast of the Buzachi Peninsula and near the Tyuleniy Islands, in the area of ​​​​the island of Kulaly fast ice thickness 2-3 cm. Narrow fast ice zone in the north of the Mangyshlak Gulf, behind the fast ice drifting ice of nilas and gray.
During the last two months of winter, a gradual cooling of the Caspian waters was observed, so at the beginning of January the water temperature of the Northern Caspian varied from 0 to 6 ˚С, in February these indicators dropped to -1 to 3 ˚С. Corresponding changes occurred in the northwestern part of the Middle Caspian, creating all the conditions for the formation of wintering accumulations of common sprat, thereby improving the fishing situation.
The total catch of common sprat for January-February 2025 is higher than the same period in 2024. The average catch per vessel day varied from 27.4 tons to 34.1 and exceeded the indicators of last year's results. Stormy weather did not always contribute to the fishermen's fishing: only 45 days were worked in two months. Nevertheless, commercial catches by a mid-depth trawl in the western part of the Middle Caspian at the beginning of this year indicate a mass accumulation of common sprat in the areas of deployment of the fishing fleet and the effectiveness of this type of fishing.
Press service of VNIRO