The school was attended by geneticists from 9 branches of VNIRO, employees of the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, the Institute of Genetics and Cytology of the National Academy of Sciences (Belarus), as well as students and postgraduates of the Northern Trans-Urals State Agrarian University and the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The lectures and practical classes held at the Center for Collective Use “Fisheries Genomics” were devoted to the latest genetic methods and technologies used in aquaculture. The theoretical aspects of determining the sex and origin of salmon and sturgeon fish were considered. Testing of these methods in the laboratory showed positive results, which means that the methods presented by the lecturers can be applied in practice.
During the lectures, the students actively discussed emerging issues, shared their experience of working with samples that are difficult for genetic analysis, and also suggested ways to solve problems. The school became a platform for exchanging experience between specialists from different regions united by one common idea - promoting genomic technologies for the development of aquaculture in Russia.
Press service of VNIRO

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