Scientists from the Pacific branch of VNIRO took part in the work of the STO Commission as part of the Russian delegation
27 December 2024

Scientists from the Pacific branch of VNIRO took part in the work of the STO Commission as part of the Russian delegation

Researchers from the Pacific Branch of the Russian State Research Center “All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography” (VNIRO) as part of the Russian delegation took part in the 5th meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Bottom Fishes and Marine Ecosystems (SSC BF ME), the 14th meeting of the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury (SSC PS), the scientific seminar “Introduction to the Assessment of Fishery Management Strategies”, as well as the 9th meeting of the Scientific Committee (SC) of the North Pacific Fishery Commission (SPFC). The goal of this international organization is to ensure long-term conservation and sustainable use of commercial resources of the convention area (open waters of the North Pacific Ocean).
During the meetings, representatives of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Vanuatu, the European Union, Canada, the People's Republic of China, Chinese Taipei, the Republic of Korea, the United States, Japan, as well as invited observers and experts, exchanged views and results on issues of catch and stock assessment of bottom and pelagic fish in the STO Convention Area.
The 5th meeting of the Junior Scientific Committee on Bottom Fishes and Marine Ecosystems (SSC BF-ME) considered a number of issues related to bottom fisheries in the STO Convention Area and new information on the study and condition of deep-sea bottom ecosystems on the Emperor Seamount Ridge and the highlands of the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Scientists discussed current data on commercial deep-sea species (hogfish, low-bodied gudgeon, monkfish and sablefish).
At the 14th meeting of the Pacific Pacific Saury Small Scientific Committee (SSC PS), the saury stock was assessed using the state-space surplus production model using the Bayesian BSSPM approach. The parties discussed issues related to the application of the SS3 statistical cohort model. Model calculations do not predict high saury recruitment in the coming years.
At the seminar "Introduction to the assessment of fishery management strategies", participants were introduced to the methodology for assessing fishery management strategies and the software implementing it (openMSE R package). The use of the software discussed at the seminar will help improve the quality of TAC justifications for various domestic fishery objects, in particular, in the Pacific basin.
During the 9th meeting of the Scientific Committee of the STR Commission, numerous issues were considered. In particular, reports of the heads of subordinate structures (small scientific committees on saury, bottom fish, Bartram squid, technical working group on mackerel, small working groups on pelagic species).
To solve problematic issues in assessing Japanese mackerel stocks, it was decided to revise the input data for the cohort model. Particular attention was paid to the inclusion of climate change information in stock assessment models. The work of the Scientific Committee and its subordinate structures was of particular interest to various international organizations. For example, representatives of PICS, NPAFC, BECI program, DSCC, FAO (FAO), FIRMS program and others spoke at the meeting. As a result of the work, agreed recommendations of the Scientific Committee and its structures were approved for the STO Commission for making decisions on further work on fishery resource management and VME protection in the STO Commission Convention Area.
The participation of Russian scientists in the work of international organizations provides an opportunity to represent the interests of the Russian Federation and contributes to strengthening scientific and technical cooperation, maintaining the authority of Russian science and the fishing industry.
Press Service of VNIRO