Oleg Goltsev conducted scientific work on board the Russian trawler MK-0378 “Kapitan Nazin” during the period of feeding and return migrations of pelagic fish in the open waters of the Norwegian Sea, the fishing zone of the Faroe Islands and the economic zone of Norway.
Data were obtained on the distribution, behavior and biological state of mackerel, Atlantic herring and blue whiting in the summer-autumn period of 2024. The patterns of formation of fish aggregations depending on environmental conditions and food supply were studied. The characteristics of hydrometeorological conditions are presented, an analysis of the fishing and prospecting activities of the vessel, the features of the mackerel and Atlantic herring fishery in the summer-autumn period of 2024 is given.
The materials will be used to prepare forecasts of the state of stocks and the raw material base of the pelagic fishery in the Norwegian Sea and recommendations for their rational exploitation.
Evgeny Roshchin carried out research work in areas of the Western slope of the Medvezhinskaya Bank on board the AK-0074 Barents Sea trawler-processor. Data were collected on the distribution and biological state of bottom fish, trophic relationships of aquatic organisms in the predator-prey system, the state of the raw material base of the fishery, patterns of formation of fish aggregations of different densities depending on environmental conditions, food supply and anthropogenic factors were studied.
As a result of the research, the main routes of pre-spawning migrations of blue (black) halibut were confirmed, and areas of formation of accumulations of this fish were identified.
The obtained data will be used to replenish the institute's database, present it to the ICES Working Group on Arctic Fisheries, make forecasts of varying lead times and recommendations for the efficient use of the raw material base of black halibut.
Press Service of VNIRO

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