The International Year of Salmon is a multi–year program of the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC) aimed at uniting the efforts of specialists from different countries in the study of salmon. A special role in this project is assigned to Russian scientists with extensive experience in conducting marine research. The Russian research vessel "Professor Kaganovsky" with an experienced crew and a scientific group performed its first voyage in the Gulf of Alaska in 2019. To date, three expeditions have already taken place (including the current one) in Northern Pacifica, including in the exclusive economic zones of the member countries of the commission. In 2022, four vessels were operating simultaneously in the northeastern Pacific Ocean: in the EEZ of the USA and Canada and in open waters.
Scientific work was localized in the vast water area south of the Aleutian Islands. According to the results of the filming, the specialists managed to collect informative material on the biology and physiology of salmon during their winter feeding, nutrition features and habitat conditions. This makes it possible to expand the understanding of the specifics of the ecology of salmon and the limiting factors affecting their survival, which is especially important for predicting the approaches of short-cycle fishing objects, for example, such as pink salmon. Based on the data obtained, scientists will be able to more accurately orient fishermen on the scale of fishing and develop relevant recommendations for stock management.
VNIRO Press Service

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