Specialists from the Volgograd branch of VNIRO conducted a comprehensive expedition to the reservoirs of the Volga-Don shipping canal
06 August 2024

Specialists from the Volgograd branch of VNIRO conducted a comprehensive expedition to the reservoirs of the Volga-Don shipping canal

In the second ten days of July of this year, as part of the state monitoring of aquatic biological resources and their habitat, as well as the implementation of indicators on the applied topic "Complex ichthyological and hydrobiological studies of the main freshwater ecosystems of the Volga-Caspian basin in order to assess their receiving capacity", employees of the Volgograd branch of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) carried out an expeditionary trip to the reservoirs of the Volga-Don Shipping Canal (Bereslavskoye, Varvarovskoye and Karpovskoye).
The collection of material from the main groups of hydrobionts that form the food base for fish, phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos was carried out along an expanded grid of stations, which included 27 points, a total of 81 hydrobiological samples were collected.
At the same time, natural water was collected for analysis in laboratory conditions, and measurements of some hydrochemical and hydrological characteristics of reservoirs were taken on site in order to assess anthropogenic factors that affect the functioning of the entire chain of reservoirs.
VNIRO Press Service