Summer marine expedition on the research vessel "Professor Kaganovsky"

Summer marine expedition on the research vessel "Professor Kaganovsky"

The comprehensive expedition of the Pacific (TINRO) and Kamchatka (KamchatNIRO) branches of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography on the research vessel Professor Kaganovsky has ended in the waters of the West Kamchatka shelf.
The goal of the expeditionary research work is to obtain up-to-date data on the composition and structure of benthic and near-beach communities of aquatic organisms, the distribution of commercial fish and invertebrates in the summer of 2024.
The collected materials will form the basis for assessing the state of stocks and forecasting the volumes of the total allowable catch (TAC) and recommended catch (RC) for the coming years.
During the work, scientists completed more than 214 complex accounting stations in the Kamchatka-Kuril, West Kamchatka and North Okhotsk subzones, conducted bioanalysis of more than 200 specimens of aquatic organisms, and measured more than 14 thousand individuals.
The diverse fauna of the West Kamchatka shelf includes more than a hundred species of fish and invertebrates, among the biomass of which commercial species make up a significant share. Based on the materials of bottom trawl surveys, scientists estimate the stocks of cod, navaga, flounder, halibut, Kamchatka and blue crabs, and snow crab.
In addition, information on the features of the oceanographic and hydrochemical regimes in the research areas, the composition, ratio and biomass of plankton, and the nutritional components of aquatic bioresources is necessary to continue ecosystem studies of the World Ocean.
VNIRO Press Service