A total of 12 reports were heard during the session on the results of research on aquatic biological resources and their habitats in freshwater bodies of the Kaliningrad Region, the Curonian and Kaliningrad (Vistula) Lagoons, the Baltic Sea, oceanic regions of the Atlantic and the South-East Pacific Ocean.
The review report on the results of research within the framework of the Great African Expedition noted that during the period September-December 2024, four planned surveys were fully completed in the waters of three African states (Morocco, Mauritania, the Republic of Guinea). During the research, a large volume of biological and oceanographic observations was carried out. A noticeable decrease in the abundance indices of European horse mackerel and sardine was noted. At the same time, the surveys revealed extremely numerous generations of West African horse mackerel. Since West African horse mackerel and Atlantic mackerel make seasonal migrations between the waters of Mauritania and Morocco, one can expect the preservation of a satisfactory state of the raw material base and improvement of the conditions of the pelagic fishery in both areas. In the Republic of Guinea, a significant part of the catches of the trawl surveys consisted of such commercially valuable fish species as trevally, acerola, round horse mackerel, European hake and others. The possibility of using the raw material base of the study areas is confirmed by the significant number of foreign, mainly Chinese, vessels operating here. The report on research in the Baltic, bays and freshwater bodies stated that in 2024, two surveys were carried out in the Baltic Sea (bottom and trawl-acoustic), a full range of studies were conducted in the Curonian and Vistula (Kaliningrad) Lagoons, as well as inland waters of the Kaliningrad Region, including hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological studies. At present, it can be noted that the cod stock in the Baltic Sea is at a minimum level since the beginning of the history of observations. Pelagic fish species - sprat (kilka) and Baltic herring (salaka), most in demand by domestic fisheries, are recorded within biologically safe limits, while their commercial stock has also decreased in recent years. The stock of river flounder in the Baltic is in good condition, but this resource is poorly used by the fishery. The reserves of aquatic biological resources of the bays are at the average long-term level, which allows for stable fishing.
The laboratory center of the branch has successfully passed three inspections to expand the scope of accreditation and confirm competence. The scope of accreditation was expanded to 43 methods, including methods that require the use of devices obtained by the Atlantic Branch in recent years (inductively coupled plasma spectrometer, automatic mercury analyzer, Specord spectrophotometer, automatic titrator). The center's employees conducted continuous monitoring of the habitat of aquatic biological resources of the Baltic Sea, the Curonian and Kaliningrad (Vistula) Lagoons and freshwater bodies of water in the Kaliningrad Region, and also studied the quality and safety of aquatic biological resources and their processed products based on the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The following areas were highlighted in the summary report on technological research: development of standard-setting indicators for dried and cured products from fish of the Western Fishery Basin; development of a recipe for semi-finished products enriched with protein-lipid complexes of krill using protein hydrolysates; determination of the cryoscopic temperature of salted fish using various stabilizing additives and salt substitutes; development of scientifically based recommendations for the use of current data on quality characteristics and improved approaches to assessing the shelf life of natural canned fish and natural canned fish with added oil; development of an intermediate version of the draft interstate standard GOST 7454 - "Canned blanched, dried or slightly dried fish in oil. Specifications" and a draft instruction for the production of hot smoked fish. The importance of work within the framework of the subcommittee "Western fishery basin" of the interstate technical committee "Fish products, food, feed, technical and packaging", operating on the basis of the Center for Water Biodiversity Processing Technology of the Atlantic branch of VNIRO was noted.
The work of the Reporting Session was highly appreciated by both the invited participants and the employees of the branch.
Press service of VNIRO

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