The reporting session was held at the Sakhalin branch of VNIRO
12 February 2025

The reporting session was held at the Sakhalin branch of VNIRO

At the Reporting Session of the Sakhalin Branch of the State Research Center of the Russian Federation “All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography” (VNIRO), 22 reports were presented on the results of comprehensive studies of biological resources in the Sakhalin-Kuril region and in accordance with the research plan for 2024. Of these, 4 reports were presented by young scientists.
The experts who evaluated the presented reports were unanimous. The variety of topics and results was impressive.
A.E. Lapshina presented the research work “Species determination of Pacific salmon using genetic analysis methods”.
For species determination, the DNA barcoding method is currently most actively used, which is valued for its versatility and the ability to use an impressive database of international significance. However, at present, it is more relevant than ever to develop and advance alternative methods of species determination in order to reduce dependence on international data. The author applied the method of species identification of salmon fish by means of microsatellite analysis developed by Doctor of Biological Sciences L.A. Zhivotovsky et al. (2013) to different variants of finished products from them. It was shown that the method works well on salted, dried, canned products, as well as hot and cold smoked products. Thus, the approach presented in the report can be used for species identification of poached salmon products and detection of counterfeit products.
M.Yu. Stekolshchikova in her report "Biology of juvenile chum salmon in the sea coast of southwestern Sakhalin" spoke about mass tagging of juvenile chum salmon from fish hatcheries of southwestern Sakhalin, which made it possible to study the fattening conditions of fish of different origins and release dates. It was established that the duration of stay of yearlings in the coastal zone ranged from several days to two months. The chum salmon from the hatcheries located north of Cape Lopatina spent the longest time feeding off the coast of southwestern Sakhalin. The temperature and trophic conditions for their feeding were favorable. It was shown that the survival rate of these young fish was almost 5 times lower than that of those released earlier. The reason for the increased mortality of fish is the disruption of the mechanism that maintains osmotic homeostasis.
“Many summary reports were presented, in which many years of material were collected and analyzed. Subsequently, these reports may become someone’s books and dissertations,” noted the head of the branch Nikolai Kolpakov, summing up the results of the session.
Press service of VNIRO