The Black Sea is an inland sea of the Atlantic Ocean basin, one of the most important water bodies in Russia. The Black Sea coast is a place of attraction for tourists from all over Russia and other countries of the world. The sea is rich in diverse flora and fauna, and the fishing industry is of the most important socio-economic importance.
The bioresources of the Black Sea became the starting point for the formation and development of fisheries science in the basin. It was for the study of the resource potential of this reservoir that the Kerch Ichthyological Laboratory (now the "Kerch" department of the Azov-Black Sea branch of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation "All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography" (VNIRO)) was formed more than 100 years ago (in 1922), marking the beginning of a systematic study of the Black Sea fish stocks.
Considering that at that time there were no specialized ichthyological centers in other Black Sea countries, the Azov-Black Sea branch of VNIRO can be safely considered the founder of the Black Sea ichthyological scientific school at the international level.
Starting with coastal research on small vessels, our scientists moved on to expeditions on the ship "Akademik Zernov" with an unlimited navigation area in the Black Sea, in 1931, on the initiative of Yu.Yu. Marty, the first aerial reconnaissance of the Azov anchovy in the Kerch Strait and the pre-strait of the Black Sea was carried out, and in 1934, aerial reconnaissance of dolphins in the Black Sea was carried out. Along with research to identify and study the raw material base, a laboratory of fishing techniques was organized in 1933.
In 1948-1951. a large-scale Black Sea scientific and commercial expedition was conducted, during which new data were obtained on the significant biological productivity of the Black Sea, its abundance of organic matter and food objects. The data obtained laid the foundation for the further development of fisheries science and commercial development of the raw material base of the Black Sea. Subsequently, famous ichthyologists A.A. Mayorova, N.N. Danilevsky, S.G. Zusser and many others conducted work here.
Currently, the study of the Black Sea by the Azov-Black Sea branch of VNIRO is being carried out at a new level. Expeditions are conducted on the research vessel of the institute "Oleg Betin", forecast materials for the fishing industry are developed using space probing data, as well as using the latest mathematical models.
Today, full-scale and diverse work at sea is carried out only by specialists from VNIRO - the only research institute that has the necessary material and technical base, powers, qualified personnel and the necessary many years of experience in this area. And VNIRO scientists are celebrating this holiday on board a vessel, studying the state of stocks of the main commercial Black Sea object - anchovy and its autumn migration to the Black Sea from breeding and fattening grounds.
VNIRO Press Service

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