The VNIRO team congratulates Chingiz Nigmatullin on his anniversary
06 February 2025

The VNIRO team congratulates Chingiz Nigmatullin on his anniversary

On February 6, the outstanding Soviet and Russian marine biologist, the largest Russian specialist in cephalopods, senior researcher at the laboratory of ecology of commercial populations and stock assessment of the Atlantic branch of the Russian State Research Center “All-Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography” (VNIRO) Chingiz Mukhametovich Nigmatullin celebrates his 80th anniversary.
Chingiz Mukhametovich devoted his entire life to science, sailed all the seas and oceans, published scientific monographs and more than 450 articles, educated a scientific school of Russian specialists in cephalopods, new generations of researchers, not only in Russia but also abroad! His name is well known in the scientific world as a leading specialist in the field of cephalopods, the International Advisory Council for the Study of Cephalopods elected him its honorary life member.
Chingiz Mukhametovich is a role model for young people, an example of devoted and selfless service to science, spiritual generosity and the ability to share ideas and knowledge with others! His amazing human qualities, passion for science, creative potential have earned him deep respect and authority in the scientific world.
The management and staff of VNIRO congratulate Chingiz Mukhametovich and wish him good health, new scientific discoveries and creative achievements, personal happiness and well-being!
Press Service of VNIRO