Nina Yuryevna celebrates a beautiful date - 55 years, more than 35 of which are associated with work in the Kamchatka branch of VNIRO. After graduating from Donetsk State University, Nina Yuryevna came to work in the branch in the laboratory for the study of marine mammals, successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of biological sciences in the specialty of genetics, and in 2011 she already headed the laboratory of population genetics of commercial fish species. With the direct participation of Nina Yuryevna, methods for studying the variability of mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite loci of nuclear DNA were established.
Since 2017, Nina Yuryevna has headed the Kamchatka branch of VNIRO.
We sincerely congratulate Nina Yuryevna and wish her health, long life, great achievements in science, extraordinary solutions and exciting projects.
Press service of VNIRO