Monitoring studies on the republic's water bodies have not been conducted for more than thirty years. During this time, massive anthropogenic transformations of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems have occurred. In the interests of industry, agriculture and the population of the region, the issue of resuming such work, conducting a comparative assessment of the current environmental situation with the environmental situation in the early 2000s and 2010s is urgently raised.
The objectives of the expedition included environmental monitoring of inland waters in the late autumn period: hydrological, hydrochemical, toxicological, hydrobiological characteristics of aquatic ecosystems. The planned volume of samples was collected for office studies. Scientists of the branch shared their experience with colleagues from "DONAGRA" on methods of sampling water, bottom sediments and aquatic biota. They talked about the specifics of the sampling process and the correct preservation of samples. In turn, colleagues from the Academy supervised the process of selecting water bodies, taking into account the safety of the scientific group's work in the field.
The scientific group from the Donbass Agrarian Academy ("DONAGRA") consisted not only of university teachers, but also students who watched with interest the work of experienced colleagues, took an active part in sampling using specialized equipment, as well as in conducting field hydrochemical studies. Such joint work helps to attract future specialists to the scientific community.
The material collected in the fields awaits painstaking laboratory processing. Specialized databases will be replenished with new information, which is currently practically absent for this territory.
Such events are an important stage in establishing scientific, educational and personal contacts, which can have a positive effect in the future on the quality and volume of data obtained on the environmental situation in the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic and will become the basis for long-term joint research with the Donbass Agrarian Academy in the region. It should also be noted that this year a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between VNIRO and FGBOU VO "DONAGRA".
Press Service of VNIRO

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