Report from 3 to 8 March

Report from 3 to 8 March

On March 8, research work was completed north of The Southern Shetland Islands (Southern part of the Drake Strait). Further STF “Atlantida” will continue research in the eastern part of the Bransfield Strait (the waters between the Southern Shetland Islands and The Antarctic Peninsula). Despite frequent storm winds in the Drake Strait, the weather was surprisingly favorable.

In the Southern part of the Drake Strait, in comparison with other areas of work, the number of marine mammals and birds has significantly decreased. From time to time on the way of the ship there werefinwhales, southern Minke whales, Kerguelen fur sealsand cross-shaped dolphins. The ship is often followed by cape pigeons and along the way – storm-petrels, various petrels and albatrosses.

From 3 to 8 March with research work 485miles have been passed. 17 complex oceanological stations and 18 trawling with the Isaac Kidd trawl were performed.