Report from 3 to 9 February

Report from 3 to 9 February

STF "Atlantida" continues research work in the Antarctic part of the Atlantic, in the sub-area of the South Shetland Islands, where several complex stations and accounting services have been performed. Then the same area was examined from the west side, where three rocky islands were encountered along the way of the ship.

Continued work in the Bransfield Strait, which separates the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands. In the southern part of the strait, a significant number of large and small icebergs were observed.

On February 6, a hydroacoustic system was calibrated in one of the bays of King George Island. As a standard target, a reference sphere made of tungsten-cobalt alloy with a diameter of 38.1 mm was used. The difficulty of calibration is that this sphere on the stretches must be precisely placed under the bottom of the vessel opposite the underwater acoustic radiator.

Over the past week, many birds - black-brown albatrosses, prions, petrels of different species, stupid and others - were met. The ship was most often followed by Cape pigeons. The KerGelene sea cotics were periodically shown nearby. The number of whales encountered has increased markedly in the direction of Bransfield strait.

With research work 489 miles have been passed. 21 complex oceanological stations and 21 trawling with the Isaac Kidd trawl were performed.