Report from 30 March to 5 April

Report from 30 March to 5 April

The research vessel STF «Atlantida» arrived on April 1 at the port of Montevideo (Uruguay) raid. Initially, the ship was scheduled to enter the port, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ship was ordered not to enter, but to bunker up and replenish food on the external raid of the port of Montevideo without the crew disembarking.

The ship’s food supplies were replenished on 1 April, after which the weather deteriorated, with winds rising with gusts of 25 m/s. Ultimately, the bunkering took place only on 4 April, when weather conditions improved.

The ship is now continuing its journey to the port of Kaliningrad.

On the way home, the ship’s crew performs the work as scheduled. The Scientific Group prepares material for the voyage report for all sections. Research and observation of seabirds and mammals continues.

As of April 5, along with the search works, the ship has passed 350 nautical miles.