Report from 9 to 15 March

Report from 9 to 15 March

On March 8, the «Atlantida» scientific group and crew completed a large-scale survey of the Antarctic part of the Atlantic, which covered the waters of the southern Orkney and Shetland Islands (CCAMLR subareas 48.2, 48.1).

The last week was a micro-scale shooting in the eastern part of the Bransfield Strait.

Autumn has come in Antarctica: Snow is coming and a storm wind is often observed. The ship meets icebergs and ice-plates of various shapes and sizes on its way. Among the seabirds there were subantarctic penguins, fulmars, storm-petrels, petrels and albatrosses.

During the expedition, CCAMLR inspectors from the scientific group of the STF «Atlantida», inspected the ship that was engaged in the krill fishing in the Bransfield Strait (sub-district 48.1).